Selection Of Medicines In Homeopathy Is Correct

If the selection of medicines in homeopathy is correct, the patient will not be cured, if there is a lack of medical knowledge. The selected medication must be tested. Homeopathic treatment has gained a unique and superiority in the drug regulatory system, because the condition of the medicines does not exist in homeopathic energy. According to the provision, the selected medicines for the patient should be extremely precise. Because, our vitality is called the mystic power of the mystic force, which is not seen, it can not be touched, shapeless, but its existence exists. It is not possible to reach any object or inert substance at this level of power, until the medicines are strengthened according to homeopathic law, from the subtlety to the subtle level. Drugs are free from drug use. Potassium Medicines A small amount of 40, 30, 20, 15 or 8 table spoons dissolve in water, one-teaspoon medicines from one drug drug for a patient.

According to the principles of homeopathy, a physician has prepared, tested and strengthened therapeutic medicines, applied only to the medicines in the obese, then will he be cured of the patient? What will be the consequences - if the matter is clear, the problem can be solved. First of all, if you know about bigger levels or large quantities, then you will believe in the precision. We know that the quantity of the drug testing is the amount of doses or a large amount, in which the healthy person is ill-treated by the use of drugs, to know the intrinsic quality of herbs, which is an artificial disease in homeopathy. Haniman has given good news about the precision, which we must (doctors) need to know, in the interest of homeopathy, for the patient’s sake, to the fullest of conscience and to respect the principle. He said, “According to homeopathy, the very small amount of medicines used is so mild that other signs that it is not similar to the disease can not be produced in the diseases of the body” (Argon of Medicine, Article 155). Maharani presents a horrific picture of the application of a large amount of medicines for patients, so that doctors are careful about the application of medicines.


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